贝米吉州立大学公共安全系致力于为所有生活在这里的人提供一个安全的校园, work, study and visit Bemidji State University. 在这个页面上,你会发现一些资源和提示,以帮助确保你在校园和周围社区的安全. For questions, please contact Public Safety

Though the Department of Public Safety provides security services for all students, faculty, 贝米吉州立大学和西北技术学院的工作人员和访客, BSU的每个人都必须采取一切必要措施确保自己和同伴的安全和舒适,这一点非常重要.

Crimes and Suspicious Activity Reporting

Students, faculty, 大学鼓励员工和客人立即报告紧急情况和犯罪活动.

  • Call 911 if there is an emergency.
  • 拨打公共安全部校园电话3888或拨打校外电话(218)755-3888处理非紧急情况. (This number is answered all day, every day.)
  • You can also stop by the Department of Public Safety office, which is located in the basement of Walnut Hall.

调度员将通知值班的公共安全官员,并在必要时致电贝米吉警察局. The public safety officer will respond, 协助任何受害者,并准备报告和其他文件以供跟进.


Emergency Phones

大学校园里安装了几部蓝光紧急电话. 这些电话由蓝色指示灯识别,并提供与公共安全调度员的直接联系.



Personal Safety

公共安全部门的工作人员可以通过提供定期步行和/或车辆巡逻来帮助您保护自己. Additionally, 公共安全部在校园内出版和分发与安全有关的材料. However, 只有你能通过了解周围环境并采取适当的预防措施来保护自己,避免成为犯罪的受害者.

  • Avoid walking alone at night.
  • 不要抄近路,在光线充足和交通拥挤的地方步行.
  • Avoid walking and jogging alone after dark. If you must travel alone at night, 使用公共安全部门的护送服务(218-755-3888)护送你到你的校园目的地.
  • Walk along well-lit routes.
  • Be alert to your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction, 走到街的另一边,大声呼救,或者迅速奔向有灯光的地方或人群.
  • 返回宿舍或公寓时准备好钥匙,并将个人或贵重物品藏在身体附近.
  • 留意大学大楼或停车场内及周围的可疑人士. Do not pursue them. 立即联系公共安全部(218-755-3888). 如果你进入你的房间,发现一个陌生人,打电话给公共安全部门, regardless of the “cover story” supplied.
  • If you see any suspicious activity or people on or near campus, call the Department of Public Safety (218-755-3888). 不要假设这个人是你以前没见过的访客或大学工作人员.

Property Protection

If you are living on campus or in an off-campus apartment, it is a good idea to take the time and register your valuables. We have a very safe campus and a safe community, but in case anything happens you have records of your items. Check out ReportIt for more information.

  • 个人物品(钱包、背包、计算器、手机等.) should never be left unattended. 离开办公室、教室或住所时,请随身携带这些物品.
  • 在假期和学校休息的时候把贵重物品带回家.
  • Park your bike where you can keep an eye on it if possible. Always lock your bike.
  • Utilize bike racks and always lock your bike. 有几种很好的防盗装置可供使用,而坚固的重型锁和链条提供了最好的保护.

Residence Safety

  • 锁好你的门——即使你只出去一小会儿. 只要八秒钟,你就能走进一个敞开的房间,偷走你的贵重物品.
  • Always lock your door and windows when you are asleep. 我们还鼓励你在醒着的时候锁好门窗.
  • Do not prop open locked exterior building doors. 为了保护你和其他居民,这些门都锁上了.
  • 切勿为陌生人或非住户打开大厦外门. Always escort your guests to and from the main entrance doors.
  • 不要把你的钥匙或学生证借给任何人——即使是同学或朋友. 他们可能不小心,可能把它们放错了地方,给了错误的人.
  • 不要把你的名字或地址写在钥匙圈上,因为如果被别人发现,他们可能会偷走你的财产.
  • 为了您的安全,每个住房单元都配备了烟雾探测器,在任何时候都不应该断开或拆除它们.

Vehicle Protection

  • 永远锁好车门,不要把钥匙留在车里.
  • Try to park your car in well-lit areas.
  • Avoid leaving property where it’s visible; utilize your trunk if necessary.

ALICE Training

公共安全部门在BSU和NTC每学期提供几次ALICE培训课程. ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, 疏散)培训为个人和组织提供了准备和计划,让他们知道如何更积极地处理侵略性入侵者的威胁或对活跃的枪手事件做出反应. ALICE训练提供了一种新的态势感知方法, recognition, assessment and response.

For more information, visit the ALICE Training program for colleges and universities website.

Classroom De-escalation Training

Bemidji State University has several resources available for learning de-escalation techniques in the classroom.

Additional Resources